From 14 years old
Music and video
Show duration 1h15
Musical composer and artistic director
Camille Rocailleux
Stage environnement et video creation
Benjamin Nesme
Sound and video control
Clément Aubry
Lighting engineer - stage manager
Thierry Pilleul
©Steve Laurens
Mathieu Ben Hassen
Bertrand Blessing
Camille Rocailleux

With MUANCES, Camille Rocailleux carries on his dialogue with the world and how it is shown to us through its predominant, omnipresent, and sprawling media: web videos.
Ideologies have disappeared, alternatives to the prevailing market are not attractive any more, a blocked situation is painted to us by information producers and broadcasters, no way to move forward, no perspectives, no solutions, no politics, no conditions.
Confronted to this wild and desperate picture, that is sustained day after day by thousands of hours of reports and testimonies, some citizens have decided to fight.
Without drawing conclusions or providing answers, MUANCES broach these questions with artistic caution.
An assessment of the world as well as a project, a musical investigation, and a sociological poem, this show is a snapshot, a shifted picture taken from a moving train.

Samedi 12 octobre 2019
Nuit Blanche à Charleville Mézières
Mercredi 13 novembre 2019
La Coupe d’or à Rochefort
Dimanche 26 janvier 2020
Le Triangle à Huningue
Jeudi 12 mars 20
Vendredi 13 mars 20
La Coursive à La Rochelle
En partenariat avec la Communauté d’Agglomération Pays Basque
Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle – Espace culturel Larreko
Jeudi 2 avril 10h et 14h30
Vendredi 3 avril 14h30 et 20h30
Saint-Palais – Salle Saint-Louis
Lundi 6 avril 10h et 14h30
Mardi 7 avril 10h

16th november 17 / Arc Scène nationale - Le Creusot
17th november 17 / Arc Scène nationale - Le Creusot
20th january 18 / la Scène nationale - Sénart
30th january to 4th february 18 / Théâtre Dunois - Paris
4th october 18 / MCB ° Maison de la Culture - Bourges (18)
21st & 22nd november 18 / Théâtre des Îlets Montluçon (03)
2nd december 18 / L'Avant-scène - Cognac (16)
1st february 19 / Festival MOMIX (68)
21st & 22nd february 19 / Le Sax - Achères (78)
12nd march 19 / Théâtre de Thouars (79)
19th march 19 / Théâtre Jean Lurçat - Aubusson (23)
22nd march 19 / Le Safran - Amiens (80)
29th march 19 / Carré-Colonnes - St-Médard-en-Jalles (33)
14th may 19 / Le Grand Bleu - Lille (59)
16th may 19 / Théâtre de Vichy

PRODUCTION: E.V.E.R Company / Comédie Poitou-Charentes - Centre dramatique national (National Centre for Dramatic Arts) / Ville de Bordeaux (City of Bordeaux) / L’Arc - Scène nationale Le Creusot (National Stage Le Creusot) / Maisondelaculture de Bourges (National Stage Bourges).
SUPPORTS: Office Artistique de la Région Nouvelle Aquitaine (Artistic Office of the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine) / Théâtre de La Renaissance - Oullins Lyon Métropole (La Renaissance Theatre in Lyon) / L’Arc - Scène nationale Le Creusot (National Stage Le Creusot) / Spédidam (French civil society for the management of artist rights) / Adami (French civil society for the administration of artist rights).